Sunday, April 04, 2004

Spring approaches...though it doesn't feel like it yet...and with that comes the happy onslaught of spring and summer action flicks. Hellboy opened this weekend, Kill Bill vol 2 and Van Helsing are coming up. All of which I'm excited to see. I'm more looking forward to Harry Potter than I am Spider Man 2. I had liked the first Spider Man. It was a well-done movie, but took no risks whatsoever - there wasn't anything I hadn't seen before. I refer to it as the poor-man's Superman (which then, I suppose, it was true to the comic). Harry Potter, however, looks not be another page for page retread of the novels, so I'm excited to see this darker HP story translated to the screen with a bit more artistic license.

In a previous post, I mentioned I was attempting to write more freestyle. I tend to write from the beginning, trying to progress linearly through what will amount to be an epic work. So far, I am happy with the results. I have jumped all over, writing down scenes and ideas, explanations of the world and its history, as they come to me. The story is slowly taking shape, and I finally feel that eventually I will pull it all together. I think Nick will be happy with that so he won't have to read another reworked version of "Through Chaos."

In our small writers group we decided we would set ourselves some goals. Mine are to complete the first novel of "Through Chaos" by year's end. And to complete the first season of "Rootlands" by summer's end. I like the idea of goals because I am constantly questioning what I should be working on. Should I write some short stories and hone my skills? Should I abandon "Through Chaos" and work on something new? Now with these goals declared to the group I am committed to seeing these through to the end. My only anxiety is working on two things simultaneously. But, I don't feel I have much of a choice since "Rootlands" is intended to be an open-ended series and I would like to have it updated regularly. I've gotten behind, but my aim is to begin the regular updates in two months.

Time is ticking, and I've put off writing too long today. Back to work!!!

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