Friday, May 13, 2005

Well, the last time I made an entry I talked about goals. That was over a year ago, so I suppose that theory is out the window. And I’ve not completed Through Chaos. In fact, I haven’t even worked on it. The good news is, I’m dedicated to Rootlands in novel form, and I have been working on that. I have enough of an idea of the sequence of events, beginning to end, to get through it.

Over the past year, there has been a lot of fantasy and science fiction to absorb, and I’ve been doing my best to absorb it all. On TV, Battlestar Galactica, and Lost were definite bright spots, and I’d like to post some reviews, and discussions on them. I’ve got a long list of books to read, having completed a run of new releases from my favorite authors. On the top of the list was The Runes of the Earth. Stephen R. Donaldson’s first of four in The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, probably the biggest literary fantasy event of the year. Next was Banewreaker, Jacqueline Carey’s disappointing new two-parter, and I’ve just finished Tad Williams’ Shadowmarch, a standard, but strong effort. Now, after a short break from fantasy, (to read Kiterunner), I’ll be re-delving into Stephen King’s, The Dark Tower. I read The Gunslinger years ago, and did not like it. But since the subsequent books have been so well received, I’m giving it another shot. I will re-read that and, at least, book two, The Wolves of Calla, before I decide whether I really like the series or not. After that is China Mieville’s, The Scar, the second New Crobuzon book. His first, Perdido Street Station, was the most original fantasy I had read in a long time.

And, of course, I can’t leave out the biggest sci-fi/fantasy event of the year…the premiere of Revenge of the Sith. I hope to have a series of analyses on the Star Wars phenomenon at some point, and a general review of the entire saga. This year also promises to be filled with great fantasy movies, War of the Worlds, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Batman Begins, King Kong. Lots for me to write and review. Hope I do better than I did last year.

I suspect Nick will actually sense that I have updated, since he has been hounding me since then…