Saturday, January 10, 2004

After talking about it for over a year, the City of Kik website is almost ready to open. I've been working on it as much as possible to get all the links working and its been cutting into my writing time quite a bit. Not that I was as conscientious about my writing as I should be. But, I am looking forward to concentrating on the content for the website rather than the design.

I'm excited about my Rootlands series that will be published on City of Kik. I'm actually having fun writing it, and those who have read the first episode have given me very positive feedback. I started episode two recently and am happy so far with the early draft. The challenge is in publishing each episode on a running basis and having an open ended story. I could potentially write myself into a corner, but I do think this is the best thing I've ever decided to do because that need to plan out every nuance and every possible eventuality so as not to have continuity problems is one of the reasons why I've never actually finished anything.

I'm trying to use the same philosophy for another fantasy story (multi volume) that will not appear on the website. Since my real aspiration is to get a book published, I can't post everything I write on City of Kik. But, I will update my progress in pushing through the story without worrying so much over where the story is going. I want to let it take me where it will and then I will fix problems in revisions.
